The Senior School provides opportunities for students to be explore options and make plans post high school. There are many opportunities to link with industry and tertiary education organisations to extend their interest areas.
Year 10 Curriculum
Students in Year 10 begin the transition to the senior school. They continue to have opportunities to specialise in areas of interest and success when developing their career pathway.
In line with the Year 10 Guidelines, the course of study for Year 10 is designed to encourage our young people to consult with families and teachers to choose subjects that they enjoy and are able to achieve success in. A key component of Year 10 is the development of their Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan.
Year 10 students will study two semesters of English, Science and Mathematics. They will also study one semester each of History and Core Physical Education. Students will select four elective subjects from the learning areas of Health and Physical Education, Humanities, Business, The Arts, Technology, and Languages.
Students in Year 10 participate in a Pastoral Care lesson each week that is focussed on pathways, goal setting, academic organisation, emotional and social health and wellbeing.
Year 11 Curriculum
In Year 11 each student is required to study an English subject and at least one Mathematics subject over the two years. An additional four subjects are selected from a wide range of General, Applied and VET certificates. Many opportunities exist for TAFE study, school based apprenticeships and traineeships.
Students in Year 11 participate in a Pastoral Care lesson each week that is focussed on pathways, goal setting, academic organisation, study skills, emotional and social health and wellbeing.
The school facilitates some subjects through the Brisbane School of Distance Education where necessary.
Year 12 Curriculum
In Year 12 each student is required to study an English subject and at least one Mathematics subject. An additional four subjects are selected from a wide range of General, Applied and VET certificates. Many opportunities exist for TAFE study, school based apprenticeships and traineeships.
Students in Year 12 participate in a Pastoral Care lesson each week that is focussed on pathways, goal setting, academic organisation, study skills, emotional and social health and wellbeing and preparation for external examinations.
Students may choose alternative pathways as part of their SET Plan, e.g. the study of a university subject, a TAFE course or a school-based traineeship or apprenticeship.
The school facilitates some subjects through the Brisbane School of Distance Education where necessary.
For more information, contact us.