
Principal Report


As you know, Cath Pfingst left us at the end of Week 3 to take up the position of Principal at Clontarf State High School. While she was sad to leave Wynnum, the promise of only travelling a short distance every day, compared to the long commute she has had over the last seven years, was the driving force behind the move.  We wish Cath all the best for her new endeavours.

Cath’s departure has allowed me the privileged position of acting as Principal until a new Principal is appointed.  We believe this will occur at the start of Term 3. Until then, one of the lovely tasks I have as Principal is to sign all of the Proud Postcards being sent home to acknowledge the PROUD behaviours and effort of our students. Teachers take the time to write personalised messages for students and we really hope that students are proud of themselves when they receive their cards in the mail.  The photo shows just how many postcards were sent home in one day this week, a testament to the wonderful students we have at Wynnum.

When I arrived at Wynnum SHS many, many years ago, one of the first things I saw and felt, was that the school was very much a community school. I am happy to say that that same feeling remains all of these years on. At Wynnum, we recognise how important the partnership between school and home is and acknowledge parents and families as integral members of the school community and partners in student learning. With that in mind, we are increasing the frequency of our newsletters for families. Newsletters will now be sent in Weeks 3, 6 and 9 each term but with the idea that, while they will be available more often, they will also be a little smaller, making it easier for busy families to engage with our school news.

We also had a great attendance at Parent Teacher Interviews a few weeks ago and have a number of other events planned over the next couple of months to engage with parents and carers further, including an iPad information sharing session (now that we are further along in our iPad journey) plus a Careers Expo. 

Additionally, we also have our parent library which has many titles available for borrowing. The aim of this resource is to help with the journey of raising teenagers and also to provide additional information relevant for families.  The parent library is situated in our usual library so please feel free to pop in and borrow. 

Warm regards,

Principal (Acting)

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Last reviewed 22 May 2024
Last updated 22 May 2024